Biggan Box, Onnorokom Science Box for Electric Shock (Tarit Tandob)

  • Onnorokom Biggan Bakso (Tarit Tandob)
  • Science Box for Flash of lights
  • 18 Experiments in 1 Box
  • 16+ Instruments with User Guide
  • This box is ideal for 7 – 16 Years Children

    Onnorokom Biggyan Baksho (Torito Tandob) – Science Box for Electric Shock

    Why does your child need an Electric Shock science box?

    • Can do 20 science experiments related to Electric shock.
    • Be able to participate in science fairs by creating new experiments.
    • Will be able to come out of memorization.
    • They are reading these experiments in science books of different classes or will read them in the future.
    • As a result of the pen in hand, you will be able to understand the issues related to Electric shock very well.


    How does electricity work? Is electricity something to be afraid of or something to be fascinated by?

    Electrical violence science is just to introduce you to these amazing ideas!

    When your child will make a fan with the connection of motor, Battery, and switch and give air to your body. Will make sound signals through the market and listen to you, Tell me how you feel? When you face the serious difference between series and parallel connection, the mind will not be filled with joy?

    The electric shock is inside the box


    Total 16+ Materials

    1. James clip
    2. Crocodile clip
    3. Pushpin
    4. LED
    5. Ldr7
    6. Plastic wood
    7. Silver bar
    8. Dharmistar
    9. Zener diode
    10. Capacitor
    11. Register
    12. Ring magnet
    13. Cardboard
    14. Balloon
    15. Motor
    16. Generator

    45 Page color storybook, Total of  20+ great experiments…

    The rest of the experiments are :

    1. Making electricity from a combo
    2. Bending the stream of water
    3. Electricity through balloons
    4. Turn off the light
    5. Creating a fan
    6. In the motor market together
    7. Conductor
    8. Semiconductor and insulator
    9. Resistance game
    10. The relationship of electricity with temperature
    11. Vegetable battery
    12. Ice tea battery
    13. Generator
    14. Lighting with lights
    15. Burning the house with fire
    16. Capacitor charge holding
    17. Electrolysis
    18. magic motor

    Whatever you learn

    Each experiment is based on one or more chapters in a science textbook for grades four through ten, So no matter what age you give your child an Electric shock science box, It will come in handy and stay.

    • 1 experiment – 4th class science book related
    • 1 experiment – 5th-grade science book related
    • 6 experiment – 8th-grade science book related
    • 5 experiment – 8th-grade science book related

    5 experiment – 9th and 10th-grade science book related

    Things to understand about electricity :

    1. Static electrical attraction
    2. Simple circuit
    3. Series connection
    4. Parallel connection
    5. Conduction of conductivity
    6. Ohms law
    7. Electrochemical cells
    8. The magnetic field of electric current
    9. Variable resistance
    10. Electrolysis
    11. Destroying voltage
    12. Edge


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